Always have your favorites at home

Want to make sure you always have your favorite products at home? We've made it even easier for you to have a freer and more equal sex life - now you can choose to subscribe to your absolute favorites and control how often and how many you want to get refills of! Isn't that great? Long live an equal (sex) life!

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Log in below to manage your subscription. You can easily change or unsubscribe whenever you want.

Join the liberation

We're proud to partner with Subcriby to make after-sex life as easy as possible!
When you log in, you can easily track your upcoming orders and quickly make changes as needed. Life is changing just like your sex life might do, so it should be easy to customize your subscription based on your needs right now.

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Frequently asked questions and answers about subscriptions

What are the time intervals I can choose from?

The frequency you can choose is monthly, every two months or every three months.

What if I change my mind or need to change how often I want to receive the products?

After you have made your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to your subscription page. There you will get a quick overview of your subscription and can make the changes you want. You can also log in via the link above.

How does it work with the payment?

The payment is made by drawing from your card you entered when you first purchased the subscription.

Is the delivery as usual?

Yes, in the case of a subscription, the delivery is made with the same delivery method as you chose when you first ordered.